Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wiggle Worms

 Wiggle Worms ... Why?
More than 3,000 species of earthworm exist in the world.

Worms can have between 1-5 pairs of hearts.
(What's a "pair" of hearts, though?)
Gotta whole lotta love!

If a worm is cut in half, only the part of the body that has the head will live.
Because I'm headstrong!

Earthworms will eat almost anything that was once alive, but is now dead.

I eat dead stuff!

Worms cannot hear or see.
But we can wiggle!

 And that's why Wiggle Worms!

Worms facts from:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Agnus Dei

If you were ever fortunate enough to sing Latin at Mass, what version of Agnus Dei did you sing?  I have searched all of YouTube PLUS snippet after song-snippet on Amazon (and other sites) but have never heard my version!

Attached is a video of me (except you only hear me) singing the version that I remember:

I thought that it was from the St. Gregory Hymnal; however, the two versions in here don't have the "rests" before the first "Agnus Dei" and the first "miserere".  I can vividly recall Sister hitting the wall when the rests occurred, so much so, that, in my head it is a part of the music.  She was wonderfully patient teaching us some very complex, multi-harmonied songs, often in Latin.

Leave a comment and tell me about the version you sang.