Monday, November 23, 2009

Awesome Fake Fire!

I made the best purchase! Electric logs that make a gentle crackling noise. So not to pollute and because my fireplace doesn't draw well and is generally a hassle, I previously had candles in my double-sided fireplace. I was able to tilt this electric log set by Pleasant Hearth at an angle and add a few more of my own logs; it looks and sounds terrific from both sides. So happy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Don't forget to have a go at our challenges this month, the new criteria has just gone up and would love for you to play along :)

    ARTastic = where we take inspiration from the Great artists
    From Screen 2 Scrap =
    Where we take inspiration from movie posters with a little added criteria.

    International scrappers are most welcome

    And Take care
